Have you ever wondered if your voice teacher really knows what they are talking about? Have you ever questioned whether or not they are truly qualified to help you take your voice to the next level? It is unfortunately more common than not, that I hear students come through my door and sing with tension, pitch problems, breathy airy sound, and sometimes with vocal pain! As a teacher, it is upsetting to see this and it is my job to help you and fix your problem. It is our duty to facilitate, nurture, critique, inspire and encourage. So I have come up with some questions to ask yourself:
-Did your teacher do more talking than teaching?
-Did you spend the majority of the lesson on breathing exercises?
-Did your teacher make you feel stupid or intimidate you?
-Does your voice feel sore and tired?
-Do you feel excited and inspired after your voice lesson?
-Did you have fun?
-Are your questions being answered?
-Do the exercises your teacher gives you actually improve your vocal issues?
-Do they have a good vocal technique?
-Do they listen to you and encourage you?