
Beginning songwriters and experienced songwriters are welcome. Whether you are writing a new song or working on an unfinished work we will compose songs concentrating on melody, harmony and lyrics. Songwriters will learn basic song structure and develop the three basic sections of a song: the verse, the chorus and the bridge.   Songwriters will learn the importance of the pre-chorus and the all important “hook” and how these work within the song. Clients will develop themes, song ideas, lyric phrasing, composition, rhythms, beats, placement, hook position, song path, chord progression, record rough vocals and record final vocals and instrumentals.  Songwriters will develop their idea, melody and lyrics and create a complete song.

Online Lessons

Don’t live in the area or can’t come in try online lessons? Now offering lessons online, via Skype and FaceTime.

Gift Cards

Give the gift of a beautiful voice. Gift cards now avaliable, up to 5 lessons.